Equip yourself with the finest tools curated specifically for the LTA course and beyond. Each tool in the LTA-TOOLS-1 bundle has been meticulously selected to ensure you're armed with the best for your locksmithing journey.
Contents of the Bundle:
- HPC Pick Gun - HPG-10
- Brockhage Clear Plastic Lock - CPL-5
- Brockhage Reverse Action Tweezers - TZ-2
- 8 Piece Lock Pick Set - MPXS-08
- Universal Pin Kit - LPK003
- Simple Kwikset Core Removal Tool - LKV-KRT
- Schlage Service Tool - SCT-1
- 6 Piece Key File Set - FI-6
- 4-Piece Plug Follower Set - FT14
- 12 Function Key Decoder / Multi-tool - BKD-12
- Smart Key Learn Tool - SKLT-1