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Stamping numbers on keys ensures that you or your customer has the right key on hand. Stamped keys are commonly seen in places of business that have multiple doors with different locks. They are also popular in condos, apartments and university residence halls. Because these are locations that experience a great deal of key loss, it is always wise to have key stamps and scribes readily available. Stamping keys begins with having the right stamps. A locksmith key stamp set of numbers and letters is ideal, but it is also important to have stamps with the most popular phrases. "Do not duplicate" and "master" stamps are likely to be used time and time again. Do you want your name, number or a specific phrase to appear on each key? Order a custom stamp. These custom stamps can be used over and over to have keys that are perfectly stamped with whatever you desire, every time. Along with locksmith key stamp sets, it is vital to have a key aligner. This ensures that your key remains in place while it is being stamped.