Ideal if you are using a cloner. Let us know what cloner you have and we can guide you to the correct universal chips to get.
Included shells are subject to substitution with and equally or more common key depending on stock availability.
Product |
JMA Key Shell Starter Package (45 total keys) |
Included Tools:
- KB-TP00CHR-15-PC 3
- KB-TP00CHR-15-PG 2
- KB-TP00DAT-15-P4 3
- KB-TP00FO-15D-P 3
- KB-TP00FO-24-P 1
- KB-TP00FO-30D-P 4
- KB-TP00GM-27-P 1
- KB-TP00GM-37-P 4
- KB-TP00HOND-21-P 2
- KB-TP00HOND-31-P 4
- KB-TP00HU-HAA-P1 3
- KB-TP00HY-11D-P1 1
- KB-TP00KI-8D-P 1
- KB-TP00MAZ-10D-P2 2
- KB-TP00MIT-8D-P2 1
- KB-TP00MIT-18-P 2
- KB-TP00SUB-2-P 1
- KB-TP00TOYO-15-P 4
- KB-TP00TOYO-30-P 2
- KB-TP00TOYO-36-P 1